Search Engine Optimization: Sitewide Factors
Keyword Research, Evaluation & Selection
- Popularity, frequency of searches
- Competitive analysis
- Single keywords
- Multiple-word phrases
- Synonyms
- Mis-spellings
Determine the Site Theme
- Determine the broadest general descriptive term
- Identify sub-themes
Domain Names and Selection
- Company name, branding vs. keyword domains
- Hyphens in domain names - yes or no?
- Using and managing multiple domain names
Structuring the Navigation:
Planning the Internal Linking Structure
- Hierarchical structure based on keyword analysis & selection
- All in root vs. use of /subdirectories/
- Directory and page file names: hyphens, underscores or run-ons
- Usability & search engine friendliness
- Ease of site maintenance
- Consistent and easy for users to understand and follow
- Routing traffic and conversion factors
- Seasonal factors
- Links in common navigation / links in body text
- Other SEO considerations
- Internal Page Rank distribution
Navigation Elements
- Types of navigation
* Text navigation
* Graphics
* Site maps
* Dropdown lists
* Javascript navigation
- Integration of sections and pages into whole site navigation
- Format and location of global navigation
- Format and location of sectional navigation