Keyword Co-Occurrence, Keyword Research and Semantics

These papers provide a good background for following along with Google's series of patent applications on phrase based indexing, which mention the term repeatedly throughout.

Topic Oriented Query Expansion for Web Search
Paper presented at WWW 2006, May 23-26, 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Papers and Tutorials by Dr. E. Garcia

LSI Keyword Research and Co-Occurrence Theory
Tutorial by Dr. E. Garcia (PDF)

For convenience, the related articles/tutorials are all linked to.

LSI Keyword Research and Co-Occurrence Theory
Tutorial by Dr. E. Garcia (PDF)

Keyword Co-Occurrence and Semantic Connectivity
An Introductory Series on Co-Occurrence Theory for Information Retrieval Students and Search Engine Marketers
Article 1 of the series Keywords Co-Occurrence and Semantic Connectivity

C-Indices and Measures of Associations
Understanding C-Indices, Association Measures and Co-Occurrence Patterns
Article 2 of the series Keywords Co-Occurrence and Semantic Connectivity

Targeting Documents and Terms Through Co-Occurrence Data
Targeting Documents and Terms: Using Co-Occurrence Data, Answer Sets and Probability Theory
Article 3 of the series Keywords Co-Occurrence and Semantic Connectivity

Co-Occurrence and the Scope of Terms
"There are many reasons of why co-occurrence values between two terms can be low or high: term associations, the nature of the terms, external factors and the scope of the terms."
Article 4 of the series Keywords Co-Occurrence and Semantic Connectivity

SVD and LSI Tutorial 5: LSI Keyword Research and Co-Occurrence Theory
Article 5 of the series Keywords Co-Occurrence and Semantic Connectivity

"In this LSI tutorial you will learn how to cluster keywords in a k-dimensional reduced space. You will also learn how first- and second-order co-occurrence affects LSI scores."

Analysis of the Values in the LSI Term-Term Matrix

Detecting Patterns in the LSI Term-Term Matrix

Temporal Co-Occurrence: How does a Developing Event Affect Search Results?

Temporal Co-Occurrence - This experiment investigates how an in-progress event might shape search results in the websphere and the blogosphere. FINDALL and EXACT query modes were tested. A developing natural event, Hurricane Rita, was investigated. Search, containment and co-occurrence responses were also tested. Applications to document volume and search volume are discussed.

Note: Also see phrase based indexing and related topics and papers on LSI/Latent Semantic Indexing for reference.